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Membership in ANARC is open to radio clubs whose headquaters and principal places of business are located in North America or the Caribbean, with at least 50 members, which have been in operation for at least 12 consecutive months prior to application and publishing bulletins on a regular basis during that period. ANARC presently has 15 full member clubs and one associate member club. ANARC strives to work for the common good of listeners in North America. All the clubs forming ANARC are responsible volunteer organizations. ANARC is operated by a 7 members Executive Council within the guidelines stipulated in the ANARC Constitution. Each member club appoints an official ANARC representative to complete the ANARC staff. This flyer is designed to introduce ANARC, its member clubs, and its services, committees and publications. Should you have questions regarding any aspect of the Association of North American Radio Clubs please foward your correspondence to the following address: ANARC 79 Kipps Street Greenfield Park, Quebec J4V 3B1 CANADA The following terms and abbreviations are used in this publication. All wave: Interested in all radio bands. DX: Long-distance radio reception. FM: Frequency modulation broadcasting (88-108 Megahertz). Ham: Amateur Radio or Amateur Radio operator. IRC: International Postal Reply Coupon (available at your local post office) LW: Longwave band (below 540 Kilohertz). MW: Medium Wave or AM broadcasting (540-1705 Kilohertz). NA: North America (USA, Canada & Mexico) PSB: Public service bands (police, fire, emergency medical, etc.). Usually 30 to 1300 Megahertz; VHF/UHF monitoring. QSL: Verifications of reception. Sample: Sample copy of club's bulletin or newsletter. SASE: Self-addressed stamped envelope. SW: Shortwave or shortwave broadcasting, usually 1.6 to 30 Megahertz. TV: Television broadcasting. Util: Utility stations (maritime, aeronautical, military, fixed services, etc, operating below 30 Megahertz). ANARC Services, Committees and Publications The following outlines the various services, committee publications offered by ANARC to the radio monitoring community SERVICES ANARC COMPUTER BULLETIN BOARD (BBS): This bulletin board service supplying loggings, current information, special announcements and reference material on the radio monitoring hobby is accessible to anyone with a telephone computer modem (300, 1200, and 2400 baud; 8-N-1), and FidoNet node 280/3. Each ANARC club also operates a mail box on the bulletin board where club information or inquires may be posted for the club or its individual members. The service operates 24 hours a day. The telephone number is as follows: 1-913-345-1978. The ANARC BBS systems operator is Kirk Baxter. For more information on this service please write to: ANARC BBS, P.O. Box 11201, Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-0201. ANARC SWL Amateur Radio Net: A weekly gathering of Amateur operators and radio monitors to discuss the subject of radio monitoring. Tune in Sunday mornings at 10AM Eastern Local Time on 7240 Kilohertz LSB (Lower sideband) for the latest in shortwave listening, DX tips and up to the minute hobby news. Contributions share their information via their information via their own amateur radio stations or by telephoning 'gateway' stations operated by Amateurs who gather information via listener's telephone calls to be realyed to the net. Network controls, Bob Brown, callsign KW3F, and Dave Kirby, callsign N8JQX, host a lively session each week. Transcripts of the loggings submitted to the ANARC SWL Net are published monthly and are available on a subscription basis. For an information package on the ANARC SWL Net, please write to the following address: ANARC SWL Net, P.O. Box 591, Colmar Pennsylvania 18915, USA or via CompuServe 74756,1557. Regional, Meetings & Conventions: A number of our member clubs hold monthly meetings and/or annual club conventions in various locations around North America. Please write ANARC for details on meeting or conventions in your area. Also if you know of a radio meeting or convention taking place in your area which would appreciate receiving promotional material from ANARC, please contact us at the ANARC address. In addition to regional ecents, ANARC annually participates in two national events; the Dayton Hamvention Dayton, Ohio on the last weekend in April, and the Monitoring Times Convention in Knoxville, Tennessee in October. COMMITTEES CPRV-The Committee to Preserve Radio Verifications: This committee is a five person group whose goal is to presevre QSL's belonging to hobbyists who are no longer active. Many QSL collections are often misplaced or discarded when their owners pass away or leave the hobby. It is hoped that through this committee's efforts, more QSL's will be saved from loss or destruction. If you are interested in preserving your own or others collections, please contact Jerry Berg, Chairman of the CPRV, at 38 Eastern Avenue, Lexington, Massachusetts 02173, USA for an information pamphlet about the committee. Computer Information Committee: David Snyder is Chairman of this committee created to gather, evaluate and distribute information about the application of computers and computer software in the radio monitoring hobby. The committee is responsible for maintaining a central distribution library for public domain software available to radio enthusiasts wishing to use their personal computers in conjunction with their radio activities. There are many software programs available today which can help you to get more from your hobby. If you have a computer and you are interested in what software material is available, write to David Snyder at 127 Joseph Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314 USA. PUBLICATIONS ANARC Information Booklet: Copies of this publication outlining ANARC, its clubs and services are available for US $1.00 each, payable to ANARC by cash, cheque or money order, or for US $1.00 in mint stamps, from ANARC, 79 Kipps Street, Greenfield Park, Quebec J4V 3B1 Canada. This amount helps to cover postage and printing costs. ANARC Guide to U.S. Monitoring Laws: Written by ANARC's Legal Counsel, Frank Terranella, this publication is a guide through the Electronic Communications Privacy Act(ECPA) of 1986. It outlines what laws have been passed covering monitoring and scanners. While not the last legal word on these laws, comments and test of the laws are listed. This 39 page publication is available from the ANARC address at the price of US $7.50, payable by cheque or money order to ANARC. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ All Funds are shown in U.S. Dollars, unless otherwise noted (CN$ = Canadian Dollars) All Ohio Scanner Club (AOSC), 50 Villa Road, Springfield, OH 45503 USA Coverage: PSB, Util Newsletter: "American Scannergram" (6 times a year). Dues: US $16.00; Canada $19.00; elsewhere $26.00 Sample: NA $2.00. Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts (ACE) P.O. Box 11201, Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-0201 USA. Coverage: Clandestine/Pirate radio. Newsletter: "The ACE" (monthly). Dues: US $18.00; Canada $19.00; elsewhere $25.00. Sample: NA $2.00; elsewhere 3 IRCs Association of DX Reporters (ADXR) 7008 Plymouth Road, Baltimore, MD 21208 USA. Coverage: LW, MW, SW, Util, Ham. Newsletter: "DX Reporter" (monthly) Dues: NA $19.00; Canada/Mexico $20.00; Overseas Surface $22.00; Overseas Air rate available. Sample: NA & overseas surface $1.00 or 3 IRCs, or Overseas Airmail $2.00 or 5 IRCs Canadian International DX Club (CIDX) #61 - 52152 Range Road 210, Sherwood Park, AB, T8G 1A5 CANADA. Coverage: MW, SW, Util, Ham, FM Newsletter: "CIDX Messenger" (monthly). Dues: USA $25.00; Canada CN$26.00; elsewhere CN$35.00. Sample: NA $2.00; or 4 IRCs Le Club Ondes Courtes du Quebec (COCQ) 160 rue Prieur ouest, Montreal PQ H3L 1R5 CANADA. Coverage: SW, MW, Ham, Util Newsletter: "L'Onde" (monthly, in French). Dues: NA CN$36.50; elsewhere CN$39.50. Sample: NA $1.50; elsewhere 5 IRCs International Radio Club of America (IRCA) 11300 Magnolia, #43 Riverside, CA 92505 USA. Coverage: MW Newsletter: "DX Monitor" (34 issues/year) Dues: USA $25.00; Canada $27.00; elsewhere please write. Trial Subscription: 10 issues + New Member Packet, $9.50 (NA only). Sample: NA $1.00; elsewhere 2 IRCs Longwave Club of America (LWCA) 45 Wildflower Road, Levittown, PA 19057 USA. Coverage: LW. Newsletter: "The Lowdown" (monthly) Dues: NA $12.00; Canada $13.00 elsewhere $20.00 Sample: NA $1.00; elsewhere 5 IRCs Miami Valley DX Club (MVDXC) 4666 Larkhall Lane, Columbus, OH 43229 USA. Coverage: All wave Newsletter: "DX World" (monthly) Dues: $10.00; elsewhere please write. Sample: NA $1.00; elsewhere 3 IRCs Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts (MARE) P.O. Box 311, Wixom, MI 48096 USA. Coverage: SW, MW, PSB. Newsletter: "MARE Members Newsletter" (6 times a year). Dues: NA $9.50; elsewhere please write. Sample: NA $1.00; elsewhere 3 IRCs. Activities: 6 meetings/year in Detroit/Lansing areas. Minnesota DX Club (MDXC) 5212 Drew Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55410 USA Coverage: All wave. Newsletter: "MDXC Newsletter" (monthly) Dues: NA $10.00. Activities: Monthly meetings in Minneapolis area; membership limited to residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin National Radio Club, Inc. (NRC) P.O. Box 164, Mannsville, NY 13661-0164, USA. Coverage: Primary MW, summertime FM. 24wsletter: "DX News" (30 issues/year). Dues: USA $24.00; Canada $25.00; elsewhere please write. Sample: NA $1.00; elsewhere 3 IRCs. DX AUDIO SERVICE, (monthly) audio cassette version of DX NEWS magazine. Subscription: $25.00 NA; elsewhere please write. DXAS Sample: $3.00. Product Catalog $1.00. We take VISA/MASTERCARD (608)-423-4159. Activities: Anuual Labor Day Weekend Convention. North American Shortwave Association (NASWA) 45 Wildflower Road, Levittown, PA 19057 USA. Coverage: SW. Newsletter: "The Journal of the North American Shotwave Association" (monthly). Dues: NA $23.00; elsewhere please write. Sample: $2.00 Radio Communications Monitoring Association (RCMA) P.O. Box 542, Silverado, CA 92676 USA. Coverage: PSB, Util. Newsletter: "RCMA Newsletter" (monthly) Dues: USA $18.50; elsewhere $22.50 Sample: NA $1.50; elsewhere 6 IRCs Society to Preserve the Engrossing Enjoyment of DXing (SPEEDX) P.O. Box 196, DuBois, PA 15801-0196 USA. Coverage: SW, Util Newsletter: "SPEEDX" (monthly). Dues: US $23.00; Canada $25.00; elsehwere please write. Sample: NA $1.50; elsewhere 8 IRCs Southern California Area DXers (SCADS) 3809 Rose Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90807-4334, USA. Coverage: All Wave. Newsletter: "SCADS Newsletter" quarterly Dues: NA $10.00 Activities: Quarterly meetings in Long Beach, CA; membership limited to residents of southern California. Sample: SASE Washington Area DX Association (WADXA) 606 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901 USA. Coverage: All wave. Newsletter: "WADXA News" (quarterly). Dues: NA $10.00. Activities: Quarterly meetings in Washington, DC area; membership limited to area residents Worldwide TV-FM DX Association (WTFDA) P.O. Box 514, Buffalo, NY 14205-0514 USA. Coverage: TV, FM, PSB, Satellites. Newsletter: "VHF-UHF Digest" (monthly) Dues: US $17.00; Canada $18.00; elsewhere $27.00. Sample: NA $1.00; elsewhere 6 IRCs +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ end of file +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+